Well, when this feature started, we sort of hit you with a double-barrel blast of no-holds-barred, full-tilt-boogie, rock-em sock-em romance. You know, I asked Kristanne to marry me, she said yes, we've been giddy ever since. But since then, we've kinda reeled in the passion and let the quotidian details of the Odyssey take precedence over the firestorm of passion that is our life together. For example, we've neglected to tell you that Otto is the Love Van, breeding romance and kindling passion wherever his tires lay tread.
Check this out -- here on the right we have a picture of Jacek with his girlfriend Loydie, taken just
prior to their first experience with Otto, La Coche Del Amor. From this picture,
we can readily discern that Jacek and Loydie have been together for several years.
There is an apparent fondness between them, but none of the unbridled lust
that we'd expect to see between two budding doctors of biology in the prime
of life.
Now we see Jacek and Loydie clutched to Otto's loving bosom (for the metaphor-impaired,
that's actually the refrigerator). See how they bask in the warmth that is
their rediscovered love for one another. This is the power of Otto. This is
why you want to pay close attention to the Otto's Next Stops section
of this feature, so you can treat yourself to a mainline dose of love, should
the occasion require it. Otto is available for weddings, anniversaries, bar mitzvahs,
and bachelor parties, but please reserve in advance -- spaces are limited. Plus,
we need to have him cleaned out in time to hit the road the morning after.
Now, a lot of you have been writing in with sentiments much like the following: "Sid,
since you seem to spend so much of your day working on technical documentation
for your employer (and what technical documentation it must be!), it seems
that Kristanne must get bored sometimes. What does she do to fight the boredom
and ennui?" Of course, I'm paraphrasing, but you get the gist. Well, Kristanne
can answer that question for herself in a new section we'll be introducing in
the near future called, "K.B.'s Comments," but for now, I'll just show you the
latest book she has been reading in preparation for her enrollment in the Masters
program in Art History at the University of Washington this Fall. Of course, in addition to reading titles like, "Romanesque Art," and,
"Deserted Medieval Villages," Kristanne
also finds time to knit traditional Icelandic garb from the bits of stale string cheese she
manages to scavenge from our refrigerator. It's a hobby.
Finally, we make a little sojourn (in Spanish, "sojournito") to the Kamping Korner. Now, some of you out there seem to have missed our last visit to the Kamping Korner, in which we briefly discussed hygiene. Today, we discuss the always controversial topic of "Electrical Power -- How to Get It." From previous installments of this feature, you might recall that Otto features 12V DC electricity from three separate cigarette-lighter style plugs throughout his interior. In addition, while plugged into a "shoreline" (fancy RV-talk for "extension cord"), Otto can supply normal 110V AC power like you'd find in your house. While our cell phone and laptop both have adapters that let them run off 12V DC, our digital camera batteries can only be charged by 110V AC. Since we rarely camp in sites with electrical hookups, we sometimes find ourself running short on battery juice. It's a bummer.
Today, we found the answer -- the "ACAnyhere Power Inverter." It supplies
110V AC from a 12V DC outlet...it's like a dream come true. Actually, "we" didn't
find the answer. We must give a shout
out to Extreme Fellow Travellers Carl Schaefer and Richard Angelini for their
invaluable suggestion that we acquire this beast. Tomorrow -- action shots
of the ACAnywhere Inverter in action! Try to remain calm until then!
Total Miles for 6/16=About 120