burgundy blitz

burg_fishSure, it sounds like some sort of wacky drinking game played by students at East Coast colleges in the 1950s, but in this case, “Burgundy Blitz” translates rather simply to the Family Heaton’s surgical touristic assault on a beautiful little corner of France – the Bourgogne. Quinn’s baseball club – the formidable Grenoble Grizzlys – had a tournament in the area on Saturday, so we decided to make a weekend of it and see some sights in the area on Sunday.

Wait…baseball in france?

Yup, sure enough. When we first arrived in Grenoble some six months ago, we were more than a little surprised to find a full-on baseball club competing year-round against other q-pitchteams around the Rhone-Alpes region. Right now, we’re in the middle of the indoors season, which is a dang good thing what with it being freezing outside and often covered in snow. Also, this gives me some time to address the involuntary shudder I still have every time I see their uniforms spelled out “Grizzlys” instead of, well, you know. So far, Kristanne has forcibly restrained me every time I’ve attempted to broach this subject with the Grizzly brain trust, but one come a day, she’s not going to be there, and that’s the day I’m probably going to get beat up by French people who don’t care about spelling the same way I do, man.

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